In: PAT Testing

PAT testing electrical appliances is important because it is indefinite that electrical appliances will continue to operate correctly. When electrical appliances are brought onto a property, it is the owner or employer’s responsibility to ensure that it functions safely and PAT testing is strongly recommended. For portable electrical appliances PAT testing should include an inventory and a recorded visual inspection. Electrical appliances to consider PAT testing for are:

• A domestic appliance, for example, kettles and vacuum cleaners

• Extension leads

• Mains-powered electrical appliances brought onto the premises, e.g. radio

By law, as a landlord or employer it is imperative to ensure that all electric appliances and systems are safe and PAT testing is completed. There are approximately 2,200 electrical fires in homes in the UK as a result of faulty appliances, even though the majority of these houses are insured; only a property which has completed PAT testing of electrical appliances will be covered by their insurers. If a property undergoes PAT testing on electrical appliances it would exceptionally reduce the amount of fires and show that the owner or employer acted responsibly towards the safety of the property and tenants. PAT testing on electrical appliances reduces risks, possible problems to buildings and even prosecution which may otherwise cause injury. Hand held electrical appliances which are connected to an electrical supply or intended/capable of being moved whilst connected to the electricity supply would need to be attached to a plug and socket, which will require PAT testing. Legislations state that all employers and employees are responsible to ensure all electrical installations and equipment used is safe, and PAT testing reassures this.

It is vital that all necessary precautions are taken to diminish the risk of injuries resulting from failure of electrical appliances; this is evident through the procedure of PAT testing. PAT testing electrical appliances is a requirement for landlords, licensing authorities etc, so that there are no liabilities on behalf of them. It may also be necessary that PAT testing is completed in order to comply with the IEE Wiring Regulations 17th Edition, or if you have recently bought a business/workplace in which case it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure the installation is safe and there are no electrical faults.